Biosoil is a partnership of the Bioterra Ltd. and LDD Advanced Technologies. For over a decade Biosoil has been operating facilities within Neot-hovav plant for the treatment of hazardous organic wastes, such as: contaminated soils, oily sludge, biosolids and industrial wastewaters.
Biosoil is a pioneer company in the field of hazardous organic waste treatment in Israel, and is considered a center of knowledge and expertise in the field. The advanced technology used at Biosoil's facilities is the result of decades of on-going academic and applied research, based on the work of Biosoil’s cofounder, Dr. Raphi Mandelbaum. The Research Division and the Microbiological Lab led by the microbiologist Dr. Assaf Lowenthal are the key component in further development of Biosoil's activity.
Biosoil’s large investment in researching the field of biological treatment has given the Company unique capabilities in all of the fields related to the treatment of hazardous materials considered to be "difficult to break down" – waste materials containing pollutants at high concentrations and having chemical and physical properties that cause difficulty in the creation of the optimal conditions required for the treatment process.
As a result of the in-depth applicative research carried out on the wastes received by the Company for treatment, Biosoil has broadened its treatment capability, with respect to both the waste variety and complexity.
Throughout the years of its activity, Biosoil has treated about 200,000 m3 of hazardous waste with various degrees of treatment complexity from a wide variety of polluting sources and production processes.
One of the treatment facilities operated by Biosoil at Neot Hovav uses Aerated Static Biopile technology, a similar technology to the technology required by the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection for implementation in the scope of the Tender for Treatment of the Sediments coming from the Kishon River.
Biosoil employs both Jews and Muslims, residents of the Negev, who work together side by side. In this manner Biosoil supports cultural diversity and sets an example of co-existence and harmony among religions.
Biosoil coordinates and employs all of the unique know-how, high reputation and wide experience of each of its partners, providing the Company with "a sum greater than its parts”.